Drs. Masters, Bloomfield, Sohn, Hong, Ahn & Koo
Drs. Masters, Bloomfield, Sohn, Hong, Ahn & Koo
Xn Mngt by Drs. James, Roy, James, Paul Hong, Dan Song & Elmer Masters
Xn Mngt by Drs. James, Roy, James, Paul Hong, Dan Song & Elmer Masters
Global Mission Theol. by Drs. Paul Hong and Peter Hong
Christian Theol. Seminar V: by Bob, Hong, Choi, Lee, Kwon, and Kim
Xn Healing and Xn Adm Seminar V: Drs. Loren, Son, Lee, Yi, and Mertz.
Global Mission Theol. by Drs. Paul Hong and Peter Hong
2426 West 8th St #213, 217 LA CA 90057 (Headquarters and Chapel)
TEL (323) 828-4282 / (213) 905-8258
Fax 213-302-2592
E-mail ksu19575@gmail.com
Korean dean (909) 677-0028
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